svět do školních lavic

Naše multikulturní vzdělávací projekty Vám pomohou oživit výuku a zajistit žákům či studentům přístup k mezinárodnímu prostředí
Become a volunteer

Experience new cultures

There's nothing like being in a foreign country, living and volunteering with people from all around the world, being exposed to different points of view and ways of living.

Make an impact

On a Global Volunteer project with AIESEC, you work towards tackling the issues you're most passionate about with one of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

Challenge yourself

Our projects are packed with opportunities to try something new, push you out of your comfort zone and discover the best version of yourself - because growth happens beyond your comfort zone!

Nové webové stránky

Tuto sekci pro vás teprve připravujeme! Bude připravena již brzy.

Our projects

It takes only 4 steps to become a volunteer

Select a goal that interests you


Countries with opportunities


Opportunities worldwide
Projekt Youth4Impact má záštitu ministerstva školství ČR. Tuto záštitu si drží již od roku 200X, kdy byl vytvořen - tehdy ještě pod značkou projekt EDISON.

Become a volunteer

It takes only 4 steps to become a volunteer
Become a volunteer

Sign up

Create an account on our platform and fill in all the details on your profile.

Find a project

Use the filters in our search page and find the projects that you are most interested in.

Go through the selection process

After you apply for a project you will be contacted by us and receive information on the selection process.

Get ready

Once you’re selected, it’s time to pack your bags and prepare all the logistic - don’t worry we’ll be there to help!

Our impact


Volunteers on exchange now


Volunteers in the last year
Naši studenti se v diskuzích dozvěděli mnoho informací o daných zemích. Přínosem projektu bylo získávání informací, ale také podpora mezikulturního vzdělávání, rozšíření všeobecného přehledu o rozdílech mezi národy a kulturami
VOŠ a SŠ DAKOL, Karviná
Škola zapojená do projektu Youth4Impact
Become a volunteer

Our support

Our AIESEC members in both your home and host countries will make sure to be there every step of the way before leaving for your project and while you are abroad!
Logistics support
We ensure you get the right visa, arrival pick-up information before you travel and departure instructions when you’re going back.
Learning experience
We set clear expectations, provide cultural preparation and facilitate learning spaces before, during and after your experience.
Safe living conditions
Life and health insurance is mandatory for taking part in an AIESEC program. You will get information about accommodation and basic living costs.
Clear job description
We accompany you to the workplace on the first day, ensure your job description and goals are clear, and your working hours and duration is as expected.

Ready to become volunteer?

Get started by exploring our opportunities
Explore opportunities
© AIESEC 2025
AIESEC je nevládní nezisková organizace, která má poradní status při Hospodářské a sociální radě OSN (ECOSOC), je přidružena k DPI OSN, je členem ICMYO a uznává ji UNESCO. AIESEC Česká republika je registrována jako nezisková organizace, s identifikačním číslem 61379166 a se sídlem Praha - Chodov, Hráského 1910/11.